Tau Beta Music Is a Universal Language and Truly the Greatest of the Arts
Heresy? That'south a blammin'.
Please add entries in the post-obit format:
- The meme. [[labelnote:Caption]]The explanation behind the meme, if necessary.[[/labelnote]] Explanation Like this.
- Further mutations and successor memes, if any.
See too: If the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech communication Device, which is a source of many of its own memes that have overlapped and even outright flourished within the main Warhammer 40000 fandom.
- In the grimdark futurity of the grimdark grimdark, at that place is only grimdark. Explanation A parody of the overly dark and over the height nature of the Warhammer 40000 setting, a variation on the about common Tag Line of "In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war." The meme is actually referenced by Viktor in Paladins
- In the Infinite Marine future of the Infinite marine, there is only Space Marine. Explanation A variation of the above afterward considering the fact that, in the fifth edition, most one-half of the playable "factions" are Space Marines.
- "Grimdark" managed to escape into common use. As is common in these cases, the irony was lost and it refers to nihilistic ultraviolent stories and crapsack settings with hardly any truly adept characters, usually in SF or fantasy, played totally straight instead of deliberately over the meridian or for Gallows Humour.
- "HERESY!" *BLAM* Caption Any anti-Imperial statements may result in a Commissar appearing and summarily executing the offender with this trademark weep. Information technology's too used to denote any of the following: annihilation totally icky, inappropriate or taboo (virtually infamously in 4chan, any mention of My Piffling Pony: Friendship Is Magic or other Internet Acceptable Targets); extreme dislike, disagreement, or dissent to the current subject; possible Canon Defilement; or merely equally a hammier version of the word "bullshit". It is all-time used with a motion picture of a Commissar for full effect. Remember, posting ponies in /tg/ is HERESY!
- In general, Commissars are well-"loved" past fans as vehement Bad Bosses serving as a perfect shorthand for the Imperial Guard's harshest aspects in some Blackness Comedy style.
- "Oops, sorry sir!" Caption Continuing the whole "jerkass political officer" angle for Commissars, it'southward commonly joked that Commissar fatalities consist primarily of them getting killed by stray fire whilst suspiciously far from the battlefield. The name comes from the name of a onetime (no longer in force, alas) rule for Catachan Imperial Guard forces. They had to roll for each Commissar in the ground forces; at that place was a i-in-half-dozen take a chance they'd dice before the game started. In-universe, this is because Catachans are infamous for not liking Commissars trying to impose "proper discipline" onto them, and them taking steps to remove the trouble.
- "DRIVE ME CLOSER! I Desire TO Hitting THEM WITH MY SWORD!" Explanation Named for a humorous caption added to a picture
◊ of a sword-wielding commissar riding a Leman Russ battle tank. Used either mockingly or affectionately. Oh, and
it's get
- The Imperial Guard: fighting alien monsters with flashlights and t-shirts. Caption Lasguns and Flak Armour are by far the weakest weapons and armour in the setting (which all the same makes them horribly powerful though), the joke beingness that Imperial Guard equipment is no better than a t-shirt or a flashlight. Can be used as a good or a bad thing.
- Standard issue adamantium balls. Explanation Being the Badass Normals of the setting, along with a t-shirt and flashlight every fellow member of the Royal Guard is issued with a pair of these. Fifty-fifty the women? Especially the women.
- *Happy gas mask noises.* Caption The Krieg Death Korps, are an imperial guard strength that have Death Seeker to a whole new level, and are famous for nearly never taking off their gas masks. Whenever they are faced with absolutely suicidal odds, this is assumed to be their response.
- Kriegers and their shovels. Explanation While technically merely popular fanon with no real actual basis in any sort of official source, due to the Kriegers' distinctly WWI-era aesthetic, fans particularly dearest to imagine and acquaintance them with using their shovels/entrenching tools as shut-combat weapons simply as the soldiers on both sides of WWI did. Hilariously plenty, as of July 2021 this has also become an Ascended Meme
, cheers to Warhammer Community and the new Expiry Korps impale team kit.
- Kriegers and their shovels. Explanation While technically merely popular fanon with no real actual basis in any sort of official source, due to the Kriegers' distinctly WWI-era aesthetic, fans particularly dearest to imagine and acquaintance them with using their shovels/entrenching tools as shut-combat weapons simply as the soldiers on both sides of WWI did. Hilariously plenty, as of July 2021 this has also become an Ascended Meme
- "I DO COCAAAAAIIINEE!" Caption The fan-created Catchphrase of Doomrider, a daemon prince of Slaanesh. May be combined with Metalocalypse.
- DA RED WUNS GO FASTA, YA GITZ! Caption Due to the Orks' psychic power, when an Ork thinks that a ruby-red trukk should become faster, it volition. Used to summarise Orky "logic" and the belief in the proppa' Orky fashion things should work, and how it really affects all the things it shouldn't.
- "Royal is da sneekyest!" Explanation Like to the in a higher place, this is from a Warboss that wanted to paint his regular army purple to increase their stealth capabilities, because no-one had ever seen an Ork army painted purple.
- WAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH! Explanation Battle Weep of Da Orks, this is frequently yelled by Ork players during battles and fans of Orks in general, especially when describing something awesome they did, or proficient Ork-related news in the tabletop or other media.
- 'ERE We Get, 'ERE WE GO, 'ERE We Go! Caption An Orkish pirate song (Displaying their original design as Orcish British football hooligans in infinite).
- More DAKKA Explanation The desire of every Ork. One can never reach the indicate of enuff dakka.
- Dawn of State of war:
Explanation One of many So Bad, It's Expert lines in the Soulstorm expansion. This one is from the Anarchy Lord Firaeveous Carron, when attacking the Space Marine stronghold. He'll say the line to highlight the stronghold'due south scripted use of Rhino transports, plain forgetting that Chaos uses Rhinos likewise.
Explanation Another Soulstorm example from the same mission, this fourth dimension showing off the narmful accent of the Space Marine Helm, Indrick Boreale, past typing it downwardly phonetically.
- SPESS MEHREENS We HEEV FEHLED THE EMPRAH Explanation What Boreale says after being defeated in the Infinite Marine Stronghold, where his accent somehow gets thicker and even more melodramatic.
- Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, who "lost" 100 Baneblades and still won the Kaurava campaign. Caption Yet another Soulstorm example, this time referencing how the Imperial Guard Commander, Vance Stubbs, made his stronghold into a factory for Baneblade superheavy tanks (note that Baneblades are incredibly rare and difficult to make; normally merely ii forge worlds in the entire Imperium are known to produce them, and 1 is Mars, the biggest forge world of all; existence enlightened of this makes Stubbs' plot betoken somewhat artificial). Stubbs's problem is that a shipment of 100 new Baneblades was sent to various regiments outside the arrangement right before the battle that could have made adept use of them. The meme mutated into Stubbs somehow losing precious Baneblades left and right.
Caption Lord Bale's narmtastic reaction to beingness betrayed by Sindri in the original Dawn of State of war.
- WE CAPTURED IT FOR KAY-OSS! Explanation More Chaos Narm, this time from the Anarchy Cultist unit, notable for having an extremely weird accent and enunciation.
- Encarmine MAGPIES! Explanation A reference to the joke that the Blood Ravens loot corpses and steal relics from other Chapters, usually framed as their latest victim discovering their precious whatsoever is gone. This itself is a fan "explanation" for all the gear available in the starting time two Dawn Of War game series, which is in authenticity the property of other Capacity or Imperial factions; literally none of them would be willing to give upward their best equipment to another Chapter, then comparing the Blood Ravens to the magpie bird was a mutual joke. In fanon, this culminates with the theft of Bjorn the Fell-Handed
- The Blood Ravens graciously accept this "gift" to the Chapter. Explanation Blood Ravens insist that their loot is but a "gift" for the Chapter. The fact that they often literally pry it from someone's cold, expressionless hands nonwithstanding.
- The Inquisitor has many... 'questions', to ask.
- Mister Nailbrain's archetype Ork Flash Git accessory, known equally the 'gitfinda' has been subject to this.
- Slowly, merely surely, Lord Araghast's badass boast turned into this. From outright parody to him only opening upwards with 'X, HEAR ME! I AM ARAGHAST THE PILLAGER' while talking about things like the Lord Inquisitor to the new Black Templar codex. Listen for yourself.
- Diomedes is now the spiritual successor of Boreale due to hammy speech patterns and pronunciations.
- From Retribution's second campaign mission equally the Space Marines: Information technology IS THE BAAAAAANEBLAAAADE!
- Noise Marines Dubstep!
Explanation The Dissonance Marines in DOW Two have an upgrade that gives them a Blastmaster, finer turning them into the Chaotic equivalent of a Plasma Cannon Devastator. Because it makes rather bassy electronic noise whenever it fires, the Noise Marines were characterized to like very loud dubstep Techno, and a slew of techno videos with their lines spliced in came into being.
- "X is for the weak!", replacing X with "Sanity", "Subtlety", "Slumber" etc.
- Witness your doom!
Explanation A line screamed by the Regal Baby-sit Psyker when using one of his skills, it is fondly remembered by many fans for how unbelievably Hammy it is.
- You have Chaplain Diomedes! Explanation Back in Retribution, one of Diomedes' 'when selected' lines was "You lot have Captain Diomedes!", while in Dawn of War III he has get a Chaplain, leading to the pun. Sadly, he doesn't take such a line in the game itself.
- Jumping Terminators Explanation Gabriel Angelos being shown jumping with the amount of dexterity equally a Assail Marine while wearing a very heavy (even past Space Marine standards) Terminator armor has been one of the almost well-known things in Dawn of War III and has been mocked to hell
and back.
- Squad Cleaved! Caption A truly horrible fanfic, both in terms of Canon Defilement and actual writing, that guarantees a little rage. Popular with trolls.
- The Night Angels loudly insisting they are absolutely and completely loyal to the Emperor and hiding zippo. Explanation Information technology is the Chapter's Dark Surreptitious that a large portion of their ranks went renegade during the Horus Heresy while their Primarch was away fighting the Traitor Legions. These renegades were scattered through the Warp afterward opening fire on the returning loyalists, who reacted past bombarding their homeworld until it exploded. Ever since and so, the Dark Angels have hidden the existence of the renegades from the rest of the Imperium while trying to hunt down and capture all of these "Fallen" to make them apologize and restore the Chapter'southward honour. Ironically, there are indications that the higher-ups of the Imperium are entirely aware of the Fallen but don't actually care near them; instead, it's the extreme measures the Night Angels go to in their search for the Fallen (such as abandoning their allies merely before a battle to investigate a lead or exploiting their successor Chapters as a Loophole Corruption to the maximum 1000-Marine number for each Affiliate as mandated by the Codex Astartes) that are worrying them.
- Lucius the Eternal volition penetrate the rear armour of anything with his
RodLash of Torment. OH YEAH!! - Magnus did nothing wrong. Explanation Due to being entirely loyal to the Emperor and Imperium and having the all-time of intentions upward until his dying moments where he accepted a deal with Tzeentch to salvage the lives of himself and his legion forth with the whole situation leading to it being prepare in a way to make information technology especially tragic, Magnus' fall is highly sympathetic in spite of his flaws having caused it. This statement is used variably-seriously since Magnus conspicuously acted recklessly just remained rather morally clean as far as the Traitor Primarchs went until Tzeentch took him, and then evaluating him is very much up to the individual.
- Horus/Erebus did nothing incorrect. Explanation A parody of the above that takes someone universally seen as responsible for the Horus Heresy and insisting they didn't actually do anything wrong. More than often than not a joke, peculiarly with Erebus since he is generally agreed to be one of the well-nigh hatable characters.
- The Salamanders getting just about any jokes involving African-American stereotypes practical to them. Or just pyromania. Caption The Salamanders are an exception for not beingness white, the trope being something the universe had some trouble with a long while (though their pare color is more technically a utterly and completely pitch black)... and the jokes pretty much flowed out from in that location. The pyromania is too pretty much only slightly an exaggeration given their rules, motifs and fifty-fifty actual rituals involving things of loftier temperatures.
- Kharn is a hell of a guy
. Explanation A catch-all reference to the joke that nether Kharn the Betrayer'southward Ax-Crazy tendencies and Chronic Backstabbing Disorder, he is really a nice, simply misunderstood guy.
- It'Southward MY Twenty-four hour period OFF Explanation Kharn's days off involve murder and mortality on par with his work days.
- I'Yard THE NEW COMMISSAR NOW Explanation Kharn steals the lid from a Commissar by chopping off his head.
- I WAS TRYING TO Depict A DUCK Explanation Kharn takes upwards cartoon. He isn't that great.
◊ Caption Kharn loves a kitten.
- Macha, the ever-virgin Explanation Once once more from /tg/, this one references the Farseer from the original Dawn of State of war, Macha, and how she will never, ever, lose her virginity.
- Likewise from /tg/, we take the Fan Nickname of referring to Fabius Bile equally "Fabled Bill."
- Aroused MARINES!!!
E'er Aroused! ALL THE TIME! Explanation A Space Marine chapter created past /tg/. In their own words, they are angry for the Emperor.
- ALL HAIL CIAPHAS CAIN, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM!!! Explanation The highly misleading tagline of the Ciaphas Cain series, it is used by fans both ironically, as intended, and as acknowledgement that despite his claims, Cain earned his reputation as a Badass Normal.
- X FOR THE X GOD!! Y FOR THE Y THRONE!! Explanation A snowclone based on the Catchphrase of Khornate warriors, "BLOOD FOR THE Blood GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!". Oh so exploitable.
- OMNOMNOMNOM!!! Explanation Unlike every other faction, Tyranids don't have whatever Catchphrases, and so they were given one.
- Squats should be brought ba... Caption Games Workshop discourages anyone that mentions the Squats(Space Dwarfs). Before long after their cosmos, Games Workshop scrubbed them from existence and went to corking lengths to stop people from talking about them. Mentioning the discussion "squat" on the GW forums was once grounds for an immediate perma-ban on the first offence with the thread where it happened being deleted, with no warnings given. Asking any form of Squat-related question at official GW events would get the questioner removed from the consequence by security. The extreme crackdown on all things Squat was somewhen turned into a meme wherein Games Workshop would send out secret police to disappear anyone who mentioned them. This eventually mutated into Games Workshop sending assassins anytime they are mentioned. Somewhat less relevant with the release of sixth Edition, which while not bringing back playable Squats did condescend to mention them in ane fluff piece in the rulebook. In 2018, a playable Squat character was released for the Gaiden Game Necromunda.
- "I move and shoot." Caption Mocking the "complicated tactics" of the Necrons, which had no other possible strategy than slowly walk forrad and shoot.
- OH Come up ON.
- So there I was, editing TV Tropes manufactures, when I hear this weird racket, similar a distant rumbling sound. Glancing effectually the room, I deduced it was coming from backside my monitor. I stood up, walked around my desk to get a better view, when suddenly a frakking Baneblade roars out from backside the monitor, crushed my chair, and gunned downwardly my entire Tau regular army on a nearby shelf. How the hell tin a 300 ton tank sneak into my room? Must have taken some kind of tactical geni- CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! Explanation With the 5th Edition Imperial Guard Codex, Usarkar E. Creed'southward special dominion "Tactical Genius" allows the army containing Creed to brand a scout or outflank motion with one unit of their choice before the game, even Baneblades and Humongous Mecha. The meme inflates this rule to the point that Creed is a Magnificent Bounder or
Mary Tzu who can hibernate said overpowered superweapons behind a lamppost or outhouse without anyone ever seeing them until they assail. The story has many variations, all ending with some poor schmuck lamenting Creed'southward tactical genius and releasing a Skyward Scream.
- The Tyranid Swarmlord is able to outmaneuver none other than Marneus Calgar of the Ultramarines, with an instinctive cunning that borders on tactical gen-SCREEEEEEEEED! Explanation A Tyranid version of the to a higher place.
- So, these Tzeentch cultists were virtually to perform the ritual sacrifice that would let a demon prince to enter the world and plunge this planet screaming into the void. Just and then, a Baneblade emerged from the shadow cast past the main chantry and began blowing holes in the walls, while Space Marines began emerging from behind the ornamental candelabra. And when the high priest tried to complete the sacrifice earlier the Space Marines could cease him, he discovered that a 100 foot tall boxing cathedral had been hidden backside him without him realizing. How is this possi- CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!!
- But as planned! Explanation The fan-created Catchphrase of both Tzeentch, Eldrad Ultran and Creed, the greatest Tactical Geniuses in the unabridged galaxy, with possible exception of Alpharius.
- Eldrad is a dick
. Explanation Created on /tg/, this references the belief that Eldrad's master plans are merely for his own petty cocky benefit, such as getting himself a Commissar Cap.
- Failbaddon the Despoiler is an incompetent fuckwit. Explanation The fans' reaction to the fact that, despite being touted as the Imperium'southward greatest threat, Abaddon has launched 13 attacks against the Imperium of Man in the last 10,000 years of the game, without one lasting victory because of defeat under Creed'southward tactical genius, and at the end of every assault he flees dorsum into the Eye of Terror.
- Abaddon has no arms. Caption From a photograph of an Abaddon model with no arms (due to how hard they are to mucilage in identify on a metal model and have them stay glued), an extension of the "Abaddon is useless" meme i.e. "Failbaddon the Armless". Speculated to have been removed by either Eldrad or Creed.
- TANKRED ENDURES Explanation A Black Templar Dreadnought from the comic Damnation Crusade, TANKRED only fights for bitches and booze. His endurance is legendary.
- TWINS, THEY WERE. Explanation The ending to a brusk fanfic. Tankred has some actually weird (and wet) dream and this is the first thing he says after being awakened, to defoliation of all others. Mutated into a Not Sequitur used when Dreadnoughts are concerned.
- SPESS WOLVES, WE Brand PLANETFALL IN OUR WOLFPODS AND OUR WOLFSHIPS IN THE NAME OF THE Neat WOLF AND OUR WOLF LORDS WHAT WIELD WOLF CLAWS. FOR THE WOLFTIME! Explanation Exaggerating the many instances of wolf beingness used equally a prefix or a suffix in the Infinite Wolves Codex.
- In one case upon a time there was a Black And White Infinite Marine On A Black And White Wheel... Explanation A long "Shaggy Domestic dog" Story involving a Black And White Space Marine On A Blackness And White Bike.
- From a more meta standpoint... Thin! Your! PAINTS! Explanation The mutual response when someone asks for painting tips. And so much tin can go wrong
if y'all forego this piece of advice. All joking bated, "thin your paints!" is one of the more common modelling-related critiques given to a new player and it'southward very good advice - there's plenty of pictures on whatsoever wargaming community of miniatures that didn't take their paints thinned prior to putting a brush to them and look like someone tried using a malfunctioning melta on the poor souls. Games Workshop has an entire channel dedicated to painting tutorials
, and MiniWarGaming provides a good pigment thinning tutorial
- This one is universal to tabletop gaming. "Information technology started out as a halfling...
- Two thin coats. Explanation Duncan Rhodes, formerly one of the main painters for Citadel, often notes that painting your model with two sparse coats of pigment is better than one in his tutorial videos. His popularity with the fanbase led this to becoming a meme. Eventually became an Ascended Meme later Citadel advertised the launch of their new Contrast range with the tagline "One Thick Coat". Duncan himself went on to launch a line of paints called Ii Sparse Coats afterward leaving GW in 2020.
- This one is universal to tabletop gaming. "Information technology started out as a halfling...
- It was then that Hive Fleet Kraken recognized that its true spiritual liege was not the almighty Hive Mind, nor the Hive Tyrants that lorded over them, but Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines. Caption The fifth Edition Space Marine Codex written by Matt Ward states that almost, if not all Infinite Marines consider the Primarch of the Ultramarines to be their spiritual liege. The joke extends Guilliman's influence to fifty-fifty enemies of the Imperium.
- YOUR SPIRITUAL LIEGE Explanation The phrase often used instead of "Roboute Guilliman" and "Matt Ward" when talking about them, as a reference to the poorly-received attempt on Ward'southward part to brand the Ultramarines into the "best" Space Marines.
- Everyone is Alpharius. Explanation A reference to the Primarch of the Alpha Legion, a Magnificent Bastard and a chief of disguise that has never been caught.
- I'M ALPHARIUS! Caption A reference to the fact that all members of the Alpha Legion refer to themselves equally Alpharius to protect their Primarch. It helps that they all await the aforementioned.
- Roll to encounter if you're not Alpharius. Caption A phrase used every time Alpharius shows up in story or RP, born due to the above two memes.
- No such Legion exists. Explanation Because Games Workshop releases such little information on the Alpha Legion, such equally the fate of their Primarch, their current command construction, their reasons for defecting to Horus, or if they even actually betrayed the Imperium, fans reply that the Alpha Legion is simply a myth.
- "FOR THE GREATER [insert]!" Explanation An exploitable version of the Tau's Catchphrase, "For the Greater Skilful!".
- "Yeah, nosotros suck at close combat. It'southward a shame you'll never get at that place." Explanation A reference to the Tau'south combat strategy, which is staying out of melee range and pounding the enemy with superior firepower.
- Similarly: "If y'all can see the Tau, they're losing." Explanation a reference to the Tau's lack of prowess at melee combat, popularized by the Adeptus Ridiculous podcast.
- Weeaboo Space Communists Explanation A mocking reference to the rather transparent attempts to appeal to the Asian market with the Tau and their Greater Good ideology as well... space communists.
- Space Pope Explanation The leader of the Ethereals, Aun Va, was called similar that due to the fact that he's a religiously followed Ethereal who has the last say in what is the Greater Good.
- "Yeah, nosotros suck at close combat. It'southward a shame you'll never get at that place." Explanation A reference to the Tau'south combat strategy, which is staying out of melee range and pounding the enemy with superior firepower.
- GIT TO THE CHOPPA! Explanation Standard phrase used in reference to the Catachans, a division of the Royal Guard that is finer a Planet of Hats - where the hat is Predator.
- CRASSUS ARMOURED Assail TRANSPORT Caption Reached memetic status on DakkaDakka
, originating in this thread
where the poster seemed to have just re-create-pasted the model'southward title from Forge World's website. Thanks to the rest of the posters in the thread also typing its name in ALL CAPS, the tank rapidly became a Memetic Badass.
- Fucking Autarchs.
- Pauldrons. Explanation Perchance the most distinctive, but as well extremely Crawly, but Impractical slice of Space Marine armour.
- Cultist-chan.
Explanation Ane person drew an adorable picture of a female Anarchy cultist feeding an Ugly Cute Anarchy Spawn. Her popularity quickly exploded, her strangely endearing spoken language patterns (based on the speech patterns of the Chaos Cultist from the Dawn of War games, explained to be caused past a mouth full of irregular, jagged teeth) and endless persistence in worshipping her Dark Gods caused her to get honey by the majority of /tg/, featuring in numerous subsequent drawings and stories, including from her creator.
- Lolicron.
Explanation Similar to Cultist-chan above if not as popular.
- Lolicron.
- Ultra Smurfs. Explanation Used by Ultramarines haters throughout the fandom to derogatorily refer to the Ultramarines, due to the utter favoritism displayed towards the Ultramarines as of the 5th edition Codex and because their color pattern is bluish and white, while the college ups often contain carmine, drawing obvious comparisons to The Smurfs.
- "Soup-cookers" Explanation An even more ridiculous and humiliating nickname originating from the Russian fandom for the Ultramarines, which should be mentioned because of its history. It started from the "Chaos Gate" videogame OST and track "Ultramarines Chant
" where every single line suffered from Memetic Mutation and these new lyrics were surprisingly coherent as a whole, somehow turning the entire hymn into an ode to soup ("Agitatis Ultramarini" - "Oh, shikarniy soup navarili" = "Oh, the gorgeous soup has been cooked"). From and then on, in that location was an insane amount of mutation: soup became the Ultramarines' Trademark Favorite Food, gave them the nickname of "Soup-cookers" and and so became one of the strongest Russian 40K memes, to the point where everybody knows that "In the grim darkness of the far future, a gorgeous soup has been cooked".
- "Soup-cookers" Explanation An even more ridiculous and humiliating nickname originating from the Russian fandom for the Ultramarines, which should be mentioned because of its history. It started from the "Chaos Gate" videogame OST and track "Ultramarines Chant
- Anarchy Champions have one of 2 outcomes in life. They may either ascend as a Daemon Prince, to rule unholy armies and worlds for eternity, or to become a Chaos Spawn, a mutated brute that...no, look, I GHRHADIOSJNSLKDMAPKF! Explanation Used whenever someone mentions a Chaos Spawn, one of the near persistently useless units among Chaos Space Marine armies. Their awfulness is such that simply referencing the Spawn volition cause a person to devolve into a Anarchy Spawn mid-sentence.
- The PDF tried to respond but were killed to a man. Explanation A meme lampooning the full general incompetence of the Planetary Defence Forces in most of 40K fiction. The PDF is a sort of "home baby-sit" for Imperial planets, supposedly capable of defending their world until they go reinforcements that can actually drive off an invader. 9 times out of 10, the PDF of whatever planet is being invaded/corrupted/in a rebellion/etc. in a story or entrada will be either completely destroyed or become heretics. These armies are usually mocked by the Purple Baby-sit or Space Marines in-universe for their constant and infamous ineptitude.
- Tomb Kings IN SPESS! Explanation Highlights some similarities between the Necrons and Tomb Kings factions (both are Egypt-inspired skeletons that tin get support when killed). This meme predates the 5th Edition Necron codex, but got new life from it as more similarities were added. As for where the spelling came from, come across SPESS MEHREENS to a higher place.
- Yous scored all the points but the Galactic Partidges won the battle. Explanation A fan-made affiliate of Space Marines found on /tg/ who steal victories out from under other armies. Meant to parody both the Blood Ravens (known in 40K memes equally chronic thieves of relics rather than victories, along with having a like bird-based proper name) and the penchant for Games Workshop to accept Infinite Marines show up and be credited with saving the twenty-four hours in canon, regardless of how well other Majestic forces are fighting at the time.
- The 1st Membranes will kill you with mindbullets. Explanation An army of Royal Guardsmen generated using the tables in the still-in-beta 40k RPG Only State of war used to correspond /tg/ in the setting when the Angry Marines aren't effectually. Known for the hilariously canon defiling concept (generated by the dice completely fairly, but still absurd) of an entire Guard regiment made up of unstable, weak-willed psykers.
- Doombreed is GENGHIS MOTHERFUCKING KHAN and is on burn! Explanation Largely attributed to a specially amusing 1d4chan article, the article repeatedly posits that Doombreed is Genghis Motherfucking Khan and has a fact listing that rapidly devolves into everything about him and everything he owns being on burn down. The meme portrays Doombreed as a (literally) flaming badass and destroyer of all who oppose him along with much identifying the Mongols with Khorne.
- You must forge a narrative! Explanation A parody slogan on the insistence of Games Workshop that y'all are not actually playing a game, merely creating a narrative story.
- Yo dawg, I heard you lot similar armor so I put armor in your armor so you tin wear armor while y'all wear armor. Caption One of the later Space Marine codex to be released featured the Centurion, a Infinite Marine in total armor wearing a adjust of mechanised armor. Fans immediately adapted the "Yo Dawg" meme to lampoon how featherbrained the concept was.
- Space Vampires Explanation Alternative name for Blood Angels Chapter, whose members are all pretty Marines who feel a compulsion to beverage blood.
- Team Edward vs. Team Jacob Explanation Related to the in a higher place. The vampiric themes of the Blood Angels and the sheer wolfiness of the Space Wolves inevitably led to jokes comparing them to the male person leads of the Twilight franchise.
- The Emperasque approves of this.
◊ Caption A Crazy Is Cool fanfic Tales of the Emperasque, where the Emperor possesses a Tarrasque from Dungeons & Dragons, made someone draw this picture. It'due south used as a autograph for declaring that the thing in question is smashing.
Explanation It's... a Tau that masturbates a lot. It'south very NSFW, in case you were wondering.
- I roll to Deny the Holocaust. Explanation The introduction of the sixth edition of the game saw the introduction of a new rule: Deny the Witch. This allows a unit a roll to defend against enemy psychic powers, if a slim one. Such a curl is sometimes abbreviated as "Deny" or "DTW". The 5th edition rulebook for the Gray Knights included a ability called "Holocaust", which targets an area around the model using it. The defending player can roll to defend against this attack, simply because of the poor diction a thespian can, earlier they realize what they are saying, announce that they roll to Deny the Holocaust.
- Cadia stands! Caption A common catchphrase or slogan among Majestic Guard/Astra Militarum players that serves every bit a reminder of Cadia'south demise, only non the Guard's.
- The planet bankrupt before the Guard did. Caption Another common catchphrase or slogan amongst Regal Baby-sit/Astra Militarum players that serve as a reminder that despite Cadia'south demise, the Imperial Guard units of Cadia, the Cadian Stupor Troops, did not lose their morale and fought on up until evacuation (with the Cadian 8th regiment even volunteering to provide a suicidal rear guard for the escape transports). It is often used as morale-boosting propaganda.
- The company broke earlier the fandom did (or some variation of this). Explanation As a issue of Games Workshop's Fanwork Ban, and increasingly stringent enforcement of its IP, many have taken to the line to exclaim that the whole idea behind the series has complanate and that the fans are desperately holding on even equally everything breaks down around them.
- The planet bankrupt before the Guard did. Caption Another common catchphrase or slogan amongst Regal Baby-sit/Astra Militarum players that serve as a reminder that despite Cadia'south demise, the Imperial Guard units of Cadia, the Cadian Stupor Troops, did not lose their morale and fought on up until evacuation (with the Cadian 8th regiment even volunteering to provide a suicidal rear guard for the escape transports). It is often used as morale-boosting propaganda.
- Gulliman's Eldar Girlfriend Explanation Roboute Gulliman worked well with Yvraine, the Emissary of Ynnead, and fifty-fifty suggested a military machine alliance with her people. Considering this is a setting where every faction is furiously trying to impale each other, this is pretty much considered a full-on romance by the fandom.
- The Loyal 32
. Explanation Every remotely competitive Majestic regular army, no matter its composition otherwise, includes the same detachment of 32 Majestic Guardsmen in eighth edition (it'southward a ludicrously cheap source of control points). The meme is that it's literally the same soldiers every time.
- The Codex Astartes does not approve of this. Explanation In Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, Leandros constantly complains that Titus' actions aren't in line with the Codex Astartes when he does anything remotely unorthodox, no thing if it's totally necessary to survive. The fans have taken to proverb this whenever a Space Marines does anything even remotely distinct.
- Space Volume SAYS THIS BAD! Explanation A simplified parody of the aforementioned Leandros book-bashing.
- Fuck Erebus. Explanation Erebus was the get-go Space Marine to autumn to Anarchy and is directly responsible for the Horus Heresy and the current state of the Imperium, leading to him beingness a Hate Sink.
- Reset the Squat-Clock! Explanation The squats accept been MIA for so long in the metagame that a popular joke on forums was that there is a clock in Games Workshop's Headquarters counting down to a re-release of Squats- only the clock is reset every time someone asks "When will you re-release Squats?" Even GW got in on the joke
for the release of a Necromunda Squat miniature.
- Rowboat Girlyman Explanation Considering Roboute Guilliman'due south name is so easy to misspell, intentional misspellings into hilarious word combinations became a meme unto itself.
- I put this on the table. I won. Explanation This can exist written on pictures of something like the Emperor-grade Titan when information technology's made on the scale of the lath game models. These things are considered then powerful compared to the usual units that their deployment lone is an Instant-Win Condition, as it's absolutely pointless to attempt and fight it.
- Exterminatus Caption In general, this is like an unofficial Trope Namer for whatsoever kind of Earth-Shattering Kaboom. Also, if the HERESY issue cannot exist solved by a unmarried "blam", phone call Exterminatus. Because There Is No Kill Like Overkill.
- How to observe the 40K tournament: Heed for the heavy metal music. Explanation A certain tournament organiser in the Australian 40K scene liked to play heavy metal during said tournaments. Convention goers could always tell where the 40K players were because of this.
- Toasters Explanation While Adeptus Mechanicus worships every kind of applied science, fans believe they have some... unorthodox adoration for this item device from ancient Terra
- Listen to the Custodes. Explanation In the short story Psychic Awakening: Consequences
, a Custodes demands a squad of Primaris Marines surrender as their Affiliate has been revealed to take turned traitor. The Primaris refuse and demand an explanation, and the Custodes asks them to surrender again, then immediately guns them downwards when they don't comply. The sort of instant brutality and completely one-sided nature of the subsequent fight spawned a agglomeration of memes.
- Swolcrons/Pillarcrons. Explanation The trailer
for the render of the Silent King shows ancient murals of the Necrontyr before being turned into the Necrons. Said landscape depicts them equally incredibly muscular. Cue comparisons
◊ to the Pillar Men or Fabulous Custodes.
- Jimmy Space
Explanation It's been explained that Land Raiders and Land Speeders were actually named afterwards a man named Arkhan State who had discovered the original vehicle designs. Similarly, the Adeptus Astartes were named after a scientist named Astarte who participated in their development. While things existence named after their creators like this is totally realisitic, in this example where the names already fabricated sense for other reasons the silliness stands out a nifty deal. Combined with Games Workshop frequent employ of Meaningful Name (Ferrus Manus was the Primarch of the Fe Fists, had easily covered in metal, and had a flagship called "The Fist of Iron"), it'due south been joked that the Space Marines are non named because they are marines in space, but because the Emperor'due south existent proper noun is "Jimmy Space", and they are his Space marines.
- Trazyn collection facts Explanation Due to Trazyn beingness a Collector of the Strange and having random stuff he'south collected, the community loves to make upward random crap that Trazyn has collected, ranging from saying he has copies of obscure real world video games, to an Ork who doesn't desire to fight.
- Look forward to Warhammer+
Caption A meme lambasting the absolute piss out of the new subsciption service created by Games Workshop. Due to the fact that the lead up to its cosmos was filled with controversy later on controversy, namely them placing a zero-tolerance policy on fan films and animations, after grabbing the creator of Astartes. Which many fans rightfully believe was an attempt to get rid of far superior competition so their own infinitely worse product would be the only one available. And so in response fans have commonly made the Tagline below Warhammer Plus mercillesly
GW'due south electric current
and it's almost
to kill off the Warhammer 40k fanbase.
- Thousand Sons Femboys Caption A user past the proper name of Vezimira
has taken to depicting Iskandar Khayon, narrator and chief character of the Black Legion books, as a feminine and submissive man. The fandom loved it, Vezimira made more art with more Thousand Son characters, and now almost whatever discussion of the faction will have at least a mention of them beingness femboys.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Memes/Warhammer40000
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